
守望先鋒美台詞大全 無敵美媽互動對白一覽


守望先鋒美台詞大全 無敵美媽互動對白一覽


1. 對温斯頓:

美:我們可以抽時間交換一下筆記!(We should compare notes sometime!)

温斯頓:求之不得呢!那麼你對託貝爾斯坦的重力模型理論怎麼看?(That would be great! What's your opinion on the Toblesteins' gravitational models?)

2. 看見温斯頓擊殺敵人後:

美:温斯頓,你真厲害!就像孫悟空一樣!(Winston, you're so awesome! Just like Sun Wukong!)

3. 對“狂鼠”:

“狂鼠”:Brrr...光是看着你我就覺得冷。(Brrr... I get cold just looking at you.)

美:那你就別看着我。(Then you should look somewhere else.)

4. 對“獵空”:

美:獵空!你真是太不可思議了,我好激動!(Tracer! You are so amazing, you inspire me!)

“獵空”:美,你才是大英雄!(Mei, you're the real hero!)

5. 對“天使”:

美:齊格勒博士,我也沒覺得你變老了呀!(Dr. Ziegler, I don't think you've aged a day since I last saw you!)

“天使”:你也沒有,美。(And neither have you, Mei.)

6. 對“堡壘”:

美:堡壘,你會是一個完美的研究助手的。(Bastion, you would make the perfect research assistant.)

7. 對査莉婭:

美:查莉婭,我搞不懂為什麼你們那兒那麼冷你還穿這麼少!(Zarya, I don’t understand how you can fight in the cold wearing so little!)

査莉婭:如果你把你的大衣給我,我就告訴你我的祕密。(I'll tell you my secret, if you give me your coat.)

8. 對盧西奧:

美:我能要你的簽名嗎?(Can I have your autograph?)

9. 對:

: 小美!我喜歡讀你的日記!真羨慕你能去那麼多地方。(Mei! I love reading your journal! I'm so jealous you get to go to all those places.)

美:可不是嗎,我想你應該多出去玩玩。(That's true, I guess you don't get to travel very much.)

10. 對託比昂:

託比昂:我在想能不能讓我看看你的那個小機器人……(I was wondering if I could take a look at your little robot...)

美:可以是可以,但是你要管好你的錘子。(I suppose so... just keep that hammer to yourself.)

11. 在炎熱地區

美:哎呀...我覺得我可能穿得太多了!(Phew... I think I might be a little overdressed for this place!)

12. 在灕江塔

美:回家的感覺真好。(It's good to be back home!)

13. 在俄羅斯

美:你想不想堆個雪人?(Do you want to build a snowman?)